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Some original quotes from Kerry Shale.

"It took over 30 years to write [the play] because I was actually left quite bruised by the experience [...] Eventually I did a lot of research into Kubrick and got to understand him better than I could have possibly understood him at the time and understanding him made me realize what he was doing."
-- Kerry Shale about The Kubrick Test [from SlashFilm, 26 Dec 2022]

"Because I've got a kind of educated Midwest accent, most people in England think I'm from upstate New York and I do not do a lot to dissuade them, though I generally say I'm from Minneapolis, which is closest to Winnipeg, where I grew up."
-- Kerry Shale [from The Vancouver Sun, 4 Sep 1999]

"What is really funny, though, is seeing British actors trying to do Canadian accents. They sit there with tapes of the Mackenzie brothers going 'ya hoser' and 'eh?'. I tell them, they don't all talk like that. Throw it away."
-- Kerry Shale [from The Vancouver Sun, 4 Sep 1999]

"I've played a hell of a lot of Americans in British theatres for over thirty years. But funnily enough, when I worked at The National Theatre they cast me as Czechoslovakian, not American."
-- Kerry Shale [from his old website prior 2015]

"I used to dub a lot of films, including Jackie Chan's early Hong Kong stuff. I once re-voiced a 6 foot 4 inch villain in a Bond flick (I'm 5 foot 4 but I can sound 6 foot 4)."
-- Kerry Shale [from his old website prior 2015]

"When you go into Starbucks, channelling Donald Trump is not going to get you anywhere. It's just going to get you bad service."
-- Kerry Shale [from The Financial Times, 3 July 2023]

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